ETEC 522

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WK1: Sep 8 - 13
  1. Startup: If you don’t see “Howdy” and your name above, use the links and authorizations in the email you received to log into this course blog so that you’re able to contribute.
  2. Get Oriented: Click around enough to understand the basic navigational principles, and review the W01 Content: Welcome to the Course!
  3. Get on Board: Review all of the Instructions (selected from Category in the search bar) sufficiently to understand confidently what the course is about, what to expect, and what is expected of you. Please pay special attention to the Assignments and Participation Guide within the Instructions.  Your success in 522 will depend on a full understanding of these materials.
  4. Create a Profile: Use the WordPress menu bar to enter the Dashboard, and from there edit your public profile (click “Users” and “Your Profile”), inserting an image and any other information you wish to provide. Remember that this is a public blog, so you’re welcome to create a pseudonym and non-identifying image if you wish. However, as you are now officially a co-author of this course, and the materials you create here should be suitable for linking to a CV and/or eporfolio, you should consider presenting a real professional persona. In particular, whatever you decide, please do not change your name during the course as this might fragment your presence.
  5. Post Your Introduction:  Use the +New selection in the WordPress menu bar to author your first post. Make it an introduction about you, your background, your status in MET, and any initial thoughts you wish to share about education, learning innovation, and your objectives in taking this course. Add images, video or whatever conveys your introduction best. Be sure to set a Featured Image and to use the “Authors” category when you publish this post so that it ends up in the right place.
  6. Welcome Your Peers: During the week, drop in on Authors a few times to check out introductions from your peers. Don’t hesitate to Reply to some of these Posts to welcome someone you know, or comment on a shared interest, etc.
  7. Complete the Emerging Markets Poll:  Follow the instructions for the Emerging Markets Poll activity. This must be done by Sunday of our first week in order for your opinions to shape the course.
  8. Contribute to the W01 Discussion.
WK2: Sep 14 - 20
  1. Review Week 2 Content::
  2. Contribute to the W02 Discussion.
  3. Complete the Opportunity Horizon activity.
  4. Teams will be assigned to Opportunity Forecast (A2) projects at the very beginning of W02.
  5. Teams should convene to scope out their Opportunity Forecast (A2) project.
  6. Individuals should start thinking about their Analyst Report (A1).
WK3: Sep 21 - 27
  1. Review Week 3 Content:
  2. Contribute to the W03 Discussion.
  3. Complete the Pitch Critique activity.
  4. Teams should be underway with their Opportunity Forecast (A2) project.
  5. Individuals should be underway with their Analyst Report (A1).
WK4: Sept 28 - Oct 4
  1. Review Week 4 Content.
  2. Contribute to the W04 Discussion.
  3. Complete the Founders Parade activity.
  4. Teams should be well underway with their Opportunity Forecast (A2) project.
  5. Individuals should be well underway with their Analyst Report (A1).
WK5 - 12: Oct 5 - Nov 23
  1. Participate in all Opportunity Forecast team presentations.
  2. Help to present your Opportunity Forecast (A2) team project – in your assigned week.
  3. Analyst Report (A1) – due at the end of W06
  4. Venture Pitch (A3) – due at the end of W12
WK13: Nov 30 - Dec 6
  1. Participate in the Venture Forum activity.
  2. Contribute to the Week 13 Discussion.
  3. Participation Portfolio (A4) – due at the end of W13 – email to instructor.